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RecSpot provides social context throughout the app. You’ll see which friends like the content and you can view their ratings and comments.
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Activity Feed
Where you find what your friends love and what content is trending. The more your friends rate the more you’ll find here. Access your message, notification, instructions, and connect to others features from the Feed.
What gets added to my Activity Feed?
Your feed displays new content and RecLists from people you follow, as well as RecSpot curated content. To see more in your Feed, add more friends and rate more content!.
When I publish a recommendation, does it go into other users’ feeds?
Yes, but only for accounts that follow you.
What is Messages
Where you can start a new thread and view your messages history with friends.
What is Notifications?
The notifications tab is where you can view your friend’s latest activity and see when someone you know joined RecSpot.
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Where you can search, explore, and rate fresh content and RecLists. You can also search for other RecSpot users.
What is Media?
This tab features trending media curated by RecSpot. You can also search and find media recomendations from this tab.
What is Places?
In the places tab you can search a city or zip code, or use your current location, to explore and rate places including restaurants, hotels, and activities.
What is People?
You can search, find, and follow other users in the People tab within Discover.
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Your one place to view and manage your bookmarks, RecLists, and items you share or are shared with you.
What is OnDeck?
Everything you bookmark and all the recs your friends send to you.
What is RecLists?
Your curated RecLists and all the RecLists your friends send to you.
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Where you view everything you have experienced. Connect to other users and see how similar you are to your friends. Sync third-party apps to bring your experiences into RecSpot.
Who can see what I publish in my Profile?
If your account is public, all RecSpot users can view what you publish in your profile. If your account is private, only your approved followers can access what you publish in your profile, OnDeck, and RecLists.
Where do I connect to others and see who I am connected to?
Followers and Following is where you invite people to join you in RecSpot, connect to people on RecSpot, and see who you are following and who is following you.
How do I see how similar my taste is to my friends?
Click on the bullseye icon on your profile page.
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